Holiday Ordering: Cookies and More!

‘Tis the Season for Holiday Cookies!

NEW THIS YEAR: Flourless Chocolate Tortes!

It’s December 1st, and that means we are on a countdown to celebrating the holidays of this Winter Season!

As your one-stop shop for Holiday treats, P.J. Murphy’s is creating custom platters of cut-out cookies and sweet delights for your holiday entertaining. Pre-Order your cookies now for your Hanukkah, Christmas, Winter Solstice and New Year’s Gatherings.

Stop in our store front to select from our pre-packaged assortments.
We ask 48 hour lead time to complete a custom order of cut-out cookies.

Pre-Order all Holiday Items by 6pm, Dec. 18th for pickup on Dec. 20th or later.

PJ’s GIFT CARDS Make Great Stocking Stuffers!
(Buy $25 worth and get $5 free!)

For your convenience, we have a downloadable form for your ordering reference. Our retail staff is happy to take your phone call at 651-699-9292 or have you visit us in our store front.

Order Form Preview

Please note our Holiday Hours:

Holiday Store Hours: 
M-F 11/16-11/20: 6am-6pm 
Sat, 12/21: 6am-4pm 
Sun, 12/22: 8am-Noon 
M 12/23: 6am-6pm 
T 12/24: 6am-Noon 

Closed: 12/25-26 
Open: 12/31, 6am-Noon 
Closed: 1/1/2020